Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The day to dive is here!!!!

Day 8 : Havelock island

No alarm and we were up by 6 am for the morning dive! With some anxiety and some excitement we reached DiveIndia by 7:15 am. We were not sure if having a breakfast before a dive would be fine. After some inquiry, we ended up having breakfast at the cafe in the DiveIndia center.

Once done, we were asked to choose our wet suits and shoes based on the size along with the many others who were in the same batch. Wearing shoes is a must since being amateurs, our feet can get injured in the dive. We were paired with our instructors and then off to Govindnagar beach, which is the dive site.

At the dive site, instructions are given by the instructor on safety and precautions. Since you cannot talk under water, you need to use hand signals for not being able to breathe, moving up/down, all fine, not fine and many other things. Do pay attention to the instructions.

Once done, in low tide we were taken till chest depth water. For a non swimmer it feels a little scary when you are chest deep into water! I had informed that I did not know swimming and once in water, I was asked to immerse myself in water and stay for as long as I could. Next weights are put on at the waist. Weights are used to help us sink down during the dive. I know it sounds scary! Life jacket with Oxygen cylinder was put on. The life jacket can be inflated/deflated to float/sink respectively. Then the mask was put on and I was asked to breathe from mouth. Yes, you need to breathe from mouth since your nose is closed by the mask. Its a little uncomfortable in the beginning but a few mins of practice and you are fine. Next regulator is given which supplies oxygen from the tank and you need to put it in your mouth. Breathing can be done normally the only difference being you will be using your mouth! Next I was made to again immerse myself under water to get used to the breathing apparatus. Next you are taught two more important skills - one to remove water from the mask if it gets in during the dive and the other to remove water from regulator in case it gets in the regulator during the dive. And they make you practice these as well.

In day to day life, the air inside the ears is at the same pressure as the air outside the ears. When you dive, there is water outside and air inside. If nothing is done, pressure inside will be at atmospheric pressure. But on the outside, pressure will be greater. Your ear drum does not want to accelerate and it stretches causing the ear drum to hurt. To help out, equalizing is taught and its important you know how to do it since if you don't do it, there are chances of injuring ears.
With all the gear under water
With all the training and a little practice, you are slowly taken under water by the instructor. I got a little scared when we were going deeper since I suddenly drifted in the opposite direction by a current and I asked the instructor to take me back. In the time I spent under water, I saw clams, moorish idol and some other weird fishes. It was really beautiful to see the clams opening and closing! Its more like watching a Nat Geo show live!

My husband completed the dive and he could obviously see more varieties of fishes like clown fish (Finding Nemo fish), bumphead parrot fish, corals and many others. Videos and pics are taken under water which you can collect later in the day. Never the less, it was a wonderful experience and the instructors teach you well. Hence its important you choose a good scuba diving center and do make sure that its PADI certified as well.

All the morning activity made us even more hungrier and we were at at Anju Coco in no time! Some much needed rest in the noon and we were back at Radhanagar beach for the sunset for one last time in this trip. A veg roll and coconut milkshake at Welcome restaurant, dinner at Anju Coco and were back the resort.
Sunset at Radhanagar beach

Another beautiful snap of the sunset at Radhanagar beach

What an adventurous end to the stay at Havelock island!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Elephant beach and snorkeling....

Day 7: Havelock island

After the normal start of the day and a heavy breakfast, we visited DiveIndia. Havelock island is known for scuba diving and snorkeling. After a good amount of research, we zeroed on DiveIndia. Its located near Full Moon cafe on the main road. I think they do offer stay options since it offers courses on scuba diving as well. After some inquiries, we enrolled for the next day's morning dive!

The best thing about island vacation is you have lots of time and very few things to do! We next visited Elephant beach. Take the road to Radhanagar beach and around 2.5 kms before Radhanagar beach, you will find the base to trek for Elephant beach on your right (if you are traveling from market area). It's approximately 7-8 kms from market. As you park the vehicle, you will find locals offering you to take to Elephant beach for a cost. We decided to just follow the trail and we dint take any guide. It's easy if you follow the trail but for a first timer, you might get lost as well in the forest. Almost near the beach, you will find a marshy land where you need to be careful. I think the land is covered by water in high tides because of which it is always marshy. Trek for half an hour and you reach the beach!
Route to Elephant beach
There are many water activities here like snorkeling, glass bottom boat ride, sea walking etc. But since an incident had occurred near Ross island where a private ferry sank killing a few passengers, there was an inspection going on over Andamans because of which activities involving boats were stopped. So the only option we were left with was snorkeling. I was a little scared after the previous experience but my better half was all game for snorkeling! For INR 300 you get a short snorkeling route and a longer one for INR 500. According to Mr. Husband, it was a good site for snorkeling since you get to see the under water world from a much shorter distance. So do head to Elephant beach for a good snorkeling experience.
Scenery on the way to the beach 
Elephant beach
It was lunch time by the time we returned from the beach and we headed straight to Anju Coco for a lip smacking thali! A small break at the resort and we headed back to Radhanagar beach. Visiting Radhanagar beach in the evenings was kind of a ritual now at Havelock island!
The endless stretch of Radhanagar beach
On the way back, we stopped at the market for some fruit shopping. We used to stock up on fruits in case of some hunger pangs at mid night! your senses are in for a treat when you visit the vegetable market since the market is surrounded by lots of small eateries! We saw a weird drink called coconut milkshake at a restaurant called Welcome. The drink looked inviting and we thought of trying it. Its a must drink if you happen to stop at the market. Just remembering the drink is taking me back in time!

Dinner as usual was at Anju Coco and here we were at the end of another day at the Andaman.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Kala Pathar beach and Vijaynagar beach........

Day 6: Havelock island

The day started with a walk on the Vijaynagar beach. The cool breeze and the sound of waves were soothing to the mind. The agenda of the day was to visit the Kala Pathar beach, laze around Vijaynagar beach and another visit to the Radhanagar beach.

Breakfast was complimentary and was the regular fare of juice, eggs, toast, parathas. Freshened up and left for the first place on the agenda - Kala Pathar beach. Its just a few mins drive from the resort. The beach gets its name from a nearby village with the same name. The sea gives you company on one side decorated with black rocks and the other side of the road is lined with tropical forest. The beach was deserted with the presence of one coconut vendor. Since mornings are high tides and we were told of not entering the waters because of strong currents and rocks, we just took a small stroll on the beach, had water from a really huge coconut(haven't seen this huge a coconut until now) and off to the Makruzz office to book for the onward journey.
Kala Pathar beach during high tide
The Makruzz office is located near the jetty on the left side coming from the jetty. We booked premium class tickets which were priced at INR. 950 per person. Premium class is located on the upper deck. A colleague of mine had advised against the lower deck seats to avoid sea sickness.
Kala Pathar beach
We then headed back to the resort and it was time to get into the waters! The resort has a private beach with trees lined on the shore. Mr. Husband enjoyed swimming and I was just lazing around the shore. The best thing about Andamans, according to us, is just lazing on a beach under the shade of a tree and reading your favorite author! It was just what we needed after a hectic schedule back at Bangalore. Lunch was at Anju Coco and we retired to reading books by the shore.

It had become a ritual to witness sunset on beach while at Neil island and how could we miss the spectacular scene at Radhanagar beach. All our evenings at Havelock island were spent watching the sunset at Radhanagar beach. We reached Radhanagar beach by 4:45 pm, went for a long walk on the beach and saw the amazing sunset.

There are lots of shops and eateries lined up near the parking. On our way back, I was tempted to buy some jewelry and souvenirs. The items are expensive compared to Neil island and do not forget to bargain! In case you visit Neil island and have some time for shopping, do it at Bharathpur beach in the mornings.

On our way back, we stopped at Anju Coco for dinner. It was a relaxed day with nothing much to do or roam around but well spent.  

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The very popular Havelock island....

Day 5: Neil Island to Havelock Island

We had spent almost 3 days at the calm Neil island and the serenity of the place din't made us feel like leaving from this island! It was time to say goodbye to Neil island and hello to Havelock island. Havelock island is a lot more popular island among the tourists. It is also more expensive and crowded as compared to Neil island. The places are more touristy.

As was the routine in the Andaman for us, we got up early, took a stroll on the beach and were ready to leave for the jetty by 9:30 am. The ferry to Havelock island was at 11:00 am and we had booked Coastal Cruise for this journey as well. There are local ferries as well though they take some time. We reached Havelock by 1 pm and the pick up was arranged by Emerald Gecko.
Waiting near the Neil island jetty
We had booked Emerald Gecko for the stay at Havelock and the place looked amazing as we entered. But, we were not much impressed by the service. The place had a nice look and feel to it with bamboo bungalows and a private beach with a nice restaurant in the middle of the property. The rooms also looked good with an open air bathroom and a good ambiance. But the cons included expensive food and there were bugs on the bed which made the stay a little uncomfortable here. But that's just my opinion.
Bamboo cottage interiors at Emerald Gecko
You can roam around this island with a 2 wheeler which costs around INR 400 on a 24 hour basis. But since we wanted it for 4 days, bargained it for INR 350. Petrol is a little expensive priced at INR 80 for a litre and it would be advisable to carry an empty 1 litre bottle to measure the petrol while filling the tank since it's available in shops and there are no petrol bunks.

Since it was evening by the time we made some plans to roam around, we thought of visiting Radhanagar beach. Radhanagar beach is very famous in Havelock since it was crowned as 'Asia's Best Beach' by Time magazine. It is a very large stretch of white sand with blue waters and lush forest. The sunset looks amazing from the beach. The beach is so huge that it can accommodate a huge crowd and still look empty! There is also a changing room available at the beach. The route to Radhanagar beach is also very scenic with paddy fields and forest to give you company. Approximately 15 kms from the market.

I had read some reviews on a restaurant Anju Coco. Its near Dolphin resort, easy to locate and well known. The restaurant had decent options for vegetarians and the food was tasty as well. We enjoyed veg sizzlers there. Not to forget the good service. Also, it was less expensive compared to the other places. This restaurant was the place for our lunches and dinners by default for the next few days at Havelock.

And it was the end of another day at the Andaman.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

The last day at Neil Island....

Day 4: Neil Island

The days started early during our stay at the Andaman. The cool breeze and an amazing breakfast by the beach. Just what you would want on a holiday! The morning activities had almost become a routine - getting up early, having breakfast, then a walk by the beach and off to Bharatpur beach. We left for Bharatpur beach on our cycles around 10 am. Since the deep waters of Neil Islands are unexplored, we thought of doing snorkeling here. The snorkeling is done at Bharatpur beach at the rate of INR. 400 per person for a short distance and around INR. 600 for a long distance. We opted for the short distance one. So let me brief you on the snorkeling done here. A person comes with each one of you and they give you a buoy, mask and snorkel apparatus consisting of a tube. The buoy lets you float on the surface of water, in case you do not know swimming, the mask makes your vision under the surface of the water clear as without this your vision under water will be blur, the apparatus lets you breathe as your face is submerged under the water surface. Hence these are the necessary things for snorkeling.

So the activity starts by the person taking you until waist deep water and helping you get adjusted with the mask and the apparatus. You will be asked to wear the mask and the apparatus and then the buoy will be given and then you will be asked to float holding on to the buoy around you. Once you are comfortable, you will be taken for the final ride where you can find beautiful fishes and corals. Its a plus if you know swimming since you will be floating on the surface of water only for this activity. Also, the timings for snorkeling are such that they don't coincide with ferry timings. The fishes seen were butterfly fish, clown fish, clams, corals and many other different colorful fishes.
Lakshmanpur beach
Trees near Lakshmanpur beach
We were done with this and still had some time left for lunch. Hence, we played around for a while in the waters and then headed back to the resort. The delicious lunch was served and then we headed towards the Lakshmanpur beach which is the beach on which the resort is located. We read some books, clicked some photos and it was time for the sunset walk. As usual we saw the last sunset of Neil island and were back at the resort.
Trees uprooted in tsunami
Part of one of the uprooted trees
Dead shells and coral parts on beach
Dead shells and coral parts on Lakshmanpur beach
 Throughout the stretch of Lakshmanpur beach, we saw huge trees or huge barks of trees lying on the sand. When inquired we got to know that these huge trees were uprooted during the tsunami of 2004! Also, you can see lots of dead shells on the beach and by lots I really mean lots of them. There is also one plant called as "Kewda" in the local language which is seen abundantly in Andaman and we were told that the fruit of this plant is used by the tribals! Neil island made us feel one with the nature with its serene beauty adn we hope to be back soon!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Bharatpur and Lakshmanpur beach and Neil Island..

Day 3: Neil Island

We had planned to stay at Neil Island for 3 nights and I must admit that the island is so peaceful and beautiful that you fell like extending the stay! The day started with a walk on the beach and we had already seen some birds like Black capped Kingfisher, Red Vented and Red Whiskered Bulbul. We then had a wholesome breakfast of chapati, sabzi, eggs, bread, jam and fruits.

You can just think of beaches when on an island. And so did we! We left for Bharatpur beach by 9:15 am on our cycles. It was really exciting to ride a cycle after so many years! Bharatpur beach is located near the jetty and this is the beach if you want to go for Snorkeling and swimming. The waters are very calm and extremely clean. Also, the island is very relaxed as compared to the hustle and bustle at Havelock Island. There are some jewelry and food stalls on the beach. You can also rent a lifebuoy for Rs. 100 on the beach. There are also shacks and lots of trees that provide shade to rest.
Bharatpur beach
Bharatpur beach in the morning
Bharatpur beach during low tide
Bharatpur beach during low tide
If you are planning to visit this beach, be sure to go there in the mornings as the noons face low tide and evenings are best at Lakshmanpur beach. Also take sunscreen with you as mornings get hotter as the day progresses. At the fruit stall you can buy a fruit chaat for Rs. 100 which will get you a mixture of fruits with some chaat masala sprinkled over them. The chaat though expensive is tasty. The jewelry is also very cheap as compared to Havelock Island. I got some coral earrings and ornaments made from shells.

The morning was spent doing nothing but lazying around the shore or being in the water. By noon we were back at the resort for lunch. On the way we stopped at the local market to get some fruits and we got some bananas and mangoes. After lunch we decided to visit the natural rock at beach number 2. To see this natural beauty one has to visit it in low tide since you need to walk on dead corals and rocks to reach the place and hence noon is best reserved for this.

The place is around 2km from the jetty and you need to take the road next to the local market. It took us around 20 mins on the cycle to reach there and its a good place to cycle with the roads taking you through vegetation. One might find some sea creatures while walking on the dead corals and rocks like sea cucumbers, star fish. The place is really beautiful and the rock formation is just fantastic!
Star fish
I think its a star fish
Natural rock formation
The natural rock formation
on the way to natural rock formation
The walk to natural rock formation
It was evening by the time we came back. Then we headed towards the tip of the island located on the Lakshmanpur beach for the sunset.
sunset at Lakshmanpur beach
Sunset at Lakshmanpur beach
We get so busy in our everyday lives that we forget to enjoy natural things as sunrise ans sunset and its when you visit such places you realize the beauty of nature.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Serene Neil Island

Day 2: Neil Island

The plan was to explore Neil Island and Havelock Island..Port Blair has many interesting places to visit but we were keen on Neil Island and Havelock Island..We left from the hotel at 6:00 AM in the morning on 1st March..Coastal Cruise is a private ferry to Neil and Havelock Islands..It was first time for me and my husband on a ship..And we were too excited to start the journey..!!
Coastal Cruise
Coastal Cruise
It took us four and a half hours to reach Neil Island..!! We need to reach the jetty atleast by 6:45 AM since there will be luggage check-in and other stuff..There are 3 different classes in the ship..It was a good experience overall..:)
Inside coastal cruise
Inside the ship
We had booked Tango Beach Resort at Neil Island..After reaching the jetty, we took an auto to the resort..There are very few resorts in this island and very few people know of this island..Many people come to this island for a day's visit..But I would recommend to stay here atleast for 2 days as this island is a little less commercialized and more serene..Again the bookings were done in November to avoid the last hour rush..!!

view from Tango Beach Resort
View from our cottage
The cottages in the resort are sea-facing giving you a brilliant view from the room..The food was included in the tariff and it was too good..Lovely food and beautiful white beaches with crystal clear water...!! What else could you ask for..!!
Corals seen during low tide
The resort is on the Lakshmanpur beach..The beach is full of corals and you can actually see them when there is a low tide..During the low tide in the noons, the water level goes down completely and you can see the corals in different shapes..!!
Beach during low tide
Beach in front of the resort with corals
Brain Coral
Brain coral seen during low tide
We took a stroll on the beach and then had lunch..There are cycles and 2-wheelers available for rent at this island..We hired 2 cycles.. :) The roads are more or less straight with no up-hill or down-hill which makes it easy to ride a cycle..We again took a long stroll on the beach..It was a refreshing feeling to be away from the hustle and bustle of the city life..The sound of the waves and the sea-birds were music to the ears..!! The sunset point lies on this beach..You can take a walk on the beach till the point from the resort which is hardly a km..
Sunset Point at Neil Island
Sunset at Sunset Point
And here we were at the end of the 2nd day at Andaman..!!
Auto from jetty to Tango Beach Resort - INR 60/-
Cost per cycle per day - INR 100/-
Cost of 2-wheeler per day - INR 400/- without fuel
Breakfast, Lunch and dinner was included in the tariff..

Andamans - Trip to the paradise

Day 1: Bangalore, Chennai and Port Blair

Andaman....The name itself is mesmerizing..!! You may call it A Paradise..!! Andaman had always been on the bucket list..And it was 28th Feb, 2014 when we landed on Veer Savarkar International Airport, Port Blair.. :)

Bangalore does not have direct flights to Port Blair.. We started from Bangalore on 27th Feb, 2014.. We took Chennai Mail to Chennai which was scheduled for departure at 10:40 PM.. I was anxiously waiting for the train to arrive when it slightly past 10:40 PM..!! And finally it was there at 11:40 PM..

It's easy to travel in Chennai through the local trains.. Autos are way too expensive there..!! Pretty much to my surprise we reached Chennai at 5:10 AM..When you reach the station, just walk outside the station arch..From there you need to get to the local train station which is known as Park Station..Just follow vehicle exit from the station and cross the road to get to the Park Station..The station near airport is Tirusulam Station and it costs you INR 5/- from Park Station..The train came on 2nd Platform and the Tirusulam Station was 12th station from Park Station..When you get down at Tirusulam Station, take the subway and you reach Airport..!!

Our Jet Airways flight to Port Blair was scheduled at 10:20 AM..So we freshened up, had breakfast and were all set for Andaman to mesmerize us.. :) I was excited and when we saw the first glimpse of the islands, we were awestruck..!!

Glimpse of Andaman Islands
First glimpse of the islands..!!
On seeing the clear turquoise waters, white sands and green cover, we knew that the next 10 days would be one of the best vacations of our lives..

Andaman Islands
Isn't it amazing..!!
We reached Port Blair at 12:20 PM..We had planned Port Blair as just a transit city visiting just the important locations..Diviyum Manor was where we stayed.. It is located just outside the airport and you can actually see the hotel from the airport..!! We had booked the hotels in November itself since March is a peak season..The tariff was INR 1799 + tax for A/C room and INR 1299 + tax for Non-A/C room with breakfast..

Inter-Island commute is through ferries..There are government ships and private ships as well..Coastal Cruise and Makruzz  are the private ships..We had called the hotel 2 days in advance to book Coastal Cruise for Neil Island on 1st March..

After reaching the hotel we freshened up, had lunch and were ready to see the monumental Cellular Jail.. Cellular Jail is a huge jail with solitary imprisonment for Indian Freedom Fighters.. Great freedom fighters like Veer Savarkar were imprisoned here..
Cellular Jail
Cellular Jail
The gallows, the cells, the oil mills and the huge tree at the entrance tell you what our freedom fighters had to go through to get us freedom..!!
Punishment given to Freedom Fighters
Punishment given to Indian Freedom Fighters
A light and sound show happens in the evening.. It's a must visit place... And the light and sound show is something you should never miss..!! It's a jail with amazing history which tells you why Andaman was known as Kaala Paani..
Veer Savarkar's Cell
Veer Savarkar's cell
And here we were at the end of our first day at Andaman..
Cost of Auto from Hotel to Cellular Jail - INR 50/-
Lunch/Dinner for 2 at Annapurna hotel(pure veg) - INR 500/- approx.